Track notes inspired by “Essenza” project of Eleonora Oleotto (October 2017)
I walk and breathe, breathe this path into Nature that gives me everything ...
Walk and breathe mixing the silence of the trees' growth with the silence of human development ... I create a simple sound: Essence.
Sound that comes from distant ages in its progress to the future.
The Buddhist Experience
Track notes for “The Buddhist Experience” project and video by Eleonora Oleotto – Music by Claudio Pacagnan (July 2017)
The frequencies and sounds created and harmonized to compose the song The Buddhist Experience (by tuning the -A- of the instruments at the frequency of 432Hz) represent my way to transpose into music the feelings of universal truths expressed in the important project of Eleonora Oleotto.
The musical track is an "improvisation", born and so held: a bright and radiant light of the immediate feeling and living within the project.
This is the sound of inner Peace that dwells in every human being. It is the sound for our awakening and for the continuous walk on the spiritual and social path of humanity that unites all spiritual and religious beliefs towards Unity and Brotherhood for the world collective progress.
I Monti di Dio
Music inspired by Biblical Mountains – Album notes (January 2017)
11 compositions which were inspired by 11 sacred mountains and titled with their names. A contemplative and meditative path through these mountains, their history, significance and geographic location. A set of various aspects acquiring spirituality and sacred symbolism.
exploring emotions CATALOGUE
Notes inspired by the artwork of Eleonora Oleotto (January 2017)
Torrent Arzino Flows Free
Music from “Luminous Waters” Series - Track notes (October 2016)
Volteggio lungo la valle e scorgo la molteplicità dello scorrere dell’Arzino. Mi prende e mi porta nei suoi colori così unici e limpidi. Immergersi in questa acqua, sentire la sua memoria, la memoria del luogo dove scorre, passa e prende ricordi. Sentieri acquosi, balzi bagnati, muschi sotterranei… riflessi solari si immergono creando giochi di ombre… guardo verso il cielo di acqua, superficie tumultuosa che si fa calma nella corrente libera dei suoi colori e sotto quel velo ritorna la pace che lavora ed espande le fronde dei miei pensieri in miriadi di gocce appena esco di nuovo a respirare il pulviscolo bagnato nello scorrere sempre diverso del torrente Arzino.
Siostra Maria Faustyna Kowalska
Apostle of the Divine Mercy
Two tracks dedicated to Saint Faustina Kowalska - Tracks notes (April 3, 2016)
I learned of the particular life of Saint Faustina Kowalska when I picked up a holy picture of her image at the entrance of a church in Dublin, Ireland. Her humility and kindness, expressed by the infinite measure of silence and suffering endured with help from the strength of the Divine Mercy, pierced my heart and made me feel pure sisterly love for her.
Torrent Saisera Flows Free
Music from “Luminous Waters” Series - Track notes (March 2016)
Walking along its banks, crossing it, feeling its ice-cold strength push against my legs… this was my life when as a child I’d walk with the River Saisera toward a mountain shelter. Those were long excursions, first with my father then with a group of friends passionate of music and mountains.
Holy Year of Mercy – Track notes (December 8, 2015)
L’angolo della poesia, Claudio Pacagnan
La Panarie - Rivista n°187 (December 2015)
On The Way To Pluto
Track notes (4 July 2015)
On September 2, 2005, I had the pleasure to join the NASA New Horizons Mission, an extraordinary experience, the first voyage to the solar system’s farthest frontier. My name was stored on a compact disc together with a collection of 434,738 names.
The spacecraft was launched on January 19, 2006 and on July 14, 2015 it will be at its closest approach to Pluto, it will then continue to travel further.
This composition is my “journey” to Pluto, a musical image of space; a tribute to Clyde Tombaugh who discovered Pluto in 1930, and to NASA’s New Horizon Mission Staff.
Torrent Resia Flows Free
Music from “Luminous Waters” Series - Track notes (April 2015)
The water of Resia told me a story. It spoke to me with the sound of its turbulent flow, with the fascinating melody of its flow. It told me about its clear green and its foam when it breaks and gurgles.
Gemma Anderson’s World’s Dimensions
Music inspired by the artwork of Gemma Anderson - Album notes (May 2015)
Gemma Anderson scrutinizes and sees beyond the appearances which unite people.
She needs to create the worlds that we cannot imagine without the code which she keeps hidden. What is the key to unlock the code? Is it that simple? Is a key enough, her key? Is the code enough? The sound gives the idea of the dimensions of her worlds... life is in those dimensions, in those worlds... those of Gemma.
Passage Through Perforated Music
Music inspired by the artwork of Riccardo De Marchi - Album notes (April 2015)
Pierced, perforated music, pierced, perforated music from the steps of sound itself searching and creating grooves to feel different and for my path. I thought of perforated music, pierced as an imprint of passage; perforation as a mark without likelihood of afterthought. A departure without predetermined time for an arrival somewhere. The hole is the result of a precise action. I thought of and configured this album in three parts: Side Materials, Side Ideas and Side Senza Titolo.
exploring emotions
Music inspired by the artwork of Eleonora Oleotto
Album notes and notes post CD (March 2014)
"Listen... can you hear?" This is one of the differences between surface and depth, between the slide down and dive. Eleonora Oleotto calls me to compose and then to express in music the three difficult situations that she lived in a particular and personal way, not wanted or sought voluntarily but happened as a need to make a change in her life. There are three ways, three situations, three "lives" to which I made reference to, to
transform photographic feelings into music feelings.
Tones and Silences
Music inspired by the work of Maestro Guido Tavagnacco
Album notes (August 2013)
Personalmente posso chiamare di diritto Guido Tavagnacco con l’appellativo di Maestro non solo per il titolo che si è guadagnato con i suoi studi e le sue capacità artistiche straordinarie ma proprio perché ho avuto l’eccezionale fortuna di avere Guido Tavagnacco come insegnante di educazione artistica nel corso dei tre anni delle scuole medie insegnandomi in maniera superba l’arte dell’acquerello di cui lui eccelleva con forme acquose innovative e sognanti.
Il mosaico come propulsione per una nuova vita nella contemporaneità
Pensiero/scritto di Claudio Pacagnan per “Il Mondo Nuovo – Dialogo con l’Arte” 21/09/2013, Clauiano, Italy
Guardo dall’alto quello che mi sembra una città, una città ricca
di forme, spazi, di elementi diversi; ricca di vita, di una sua vita. Un’architettura e un’urbanistica costruita da un mosaico, un progetto pensato e realizzato prendendo le tessere come elementi ispiratori per tutti quei bisogni e servizi che una comunità necessita per la sua crescita, sviluppo e maturità.
Questo è quello che vedo e che sento pulsare in quella città.
È proprio un mosaico enorme, gigantesco, un mosaico studiato
e creato; un mosaico da studiare e da creare, ed è anche un mosaico creativo. La mia è un’immagine/realtà per quello che
si sta progettando senza fine per un Mondo Nuovo.
Le opere di Massimo Deganutti a Il Mondo Nuovo – Dialogo con l’Arte
by Claudio Pacagnan (August 2013)
Ho pensato: se queste tele con tutte queste forme, questi mondi, fossero fatte di gelatina gommosa, il fruitore potrebbe appoggiarsi fisicamente con le mani o con il viso o con tutto il corpo e così avere anche la sensazione materiale di far parte del quadro, del paesaggio che viene rappresentato. E facendo questo lasciare quindi una propria impronta, una memoria del suo passaggio dentro la “visione-paesaggio-mondo” di Massimo Deganutti.
Il Mondo Nuovo
Music inspired by “Il Mondo Nuovo Dialogo con l’Arte” exhibition
Album notes (June 2013)
The invitation to contribute with my thought/vision to the “Il Mondo Nuovo Dialogo con l’Arte”, exhibition held in June 2013 in Privano (UD) - Italy, made me compose a number of musical pieces as if they were big pictures focusing on some particular features I believe quite crucial to be enlightened in this moment.
Music inspired by the ICMAE 2012
Music inspired by the International Contemporary Mosaic Art Exhibition, Clauiano – Italy / Music notes (September 2012)
Many different objects, many materials, many colours: all makes a single same work of art. This was my source of inspiration when I composed this soundtrack. Any single mosaic became, for me, a mosaic tile I had to use to create something unique and extraordinary: a single huge mosaic made with all the mosaics, from all over the world, shown at the International Contemporary Mosaic Art Exhibition at Clauiano 2012.
Music inspired by the work of Maestro Giulio Menossi - Album notes (May 2012)
All started with the colours and the shapes of the mosaics by Giulio Menossi. They called me, in some way, and I was deeply fascinated by them. Menossi's attitude for the mosaics represents a new breath, a breath in what we always look for in Art and we always find, that is Life.
Dripping and (Subtr)action
Music inspired by the work of Artist Luciano Bellet - Album notes (March 2012)
Four pieces inspired by Luciano Bellet's works. Three sound moments, at first, which come one after the other and supplement each other forming a harmonious and essential whole, whose lines fuse in the minute dedicated to "Dripping and Addiction".
"Claudio Pacagnan - Words and Music"
If you are interested to read the complete texts,
please contact me for a free copy of "W&M.pdf"
(English / Italian). Thanks!